August 22, 2008

As you might have noticed...

I'm trying to find the perfect background.. well, maybe not perfect but one I like. It's a long process of nights lying awake trying to figure out how to make my blog look nicer... right.. it might still change over the next few days/weeks as I'm still not really happy with it..
Ps : it might have been better to think about backgrounds, headers, etc. before starting this blog, but it wouldn't have been so much fun, would it?


Rosa said...

I don't mean to be critical but the black and white is a bit hard on the eyes. Add photos - that always makes it more interesting.

*Belgian said...

well, you might be right, I hadn't noticed. I do like my Belgian colours though. I did make a header with pictures in it, but I removed it again cause I wasn't totally happy with it and I haven't had time to have another shot at it.